
Beats by Dr Dre Pro dy arrived here thi

Chapter 500 cloth soldier river in
The cloth in river admires to pull, this is the third time Li Qing An comes to this city, he last time come because resisting of Yao follower of a religion and Muslem's follower of a religion, the old grudge makes this city almost is placed in a ruined edge, every more than a years, be when he again stepped on this city the variety of situation unexpectedly made him feel one silk surprised,Beats by Dr Dre Pro.
He remembers very clearly, two follower of a religions of religious sections broke out for battling out a foundation of temple the bloodshed conflict time and time again in those early years, at that time he was to dig this land river but became an isolated island, and then tored down this temples, grew on the original address full tree, so both parties all had for consigning Holy Ghost.
Now then sky, the river has been already dug, the cloth admires to pull river from my penny to two and encircle this group of islands in the river, though now still January cold winter, river water freezes Ning, tree Xiao of island Suo, can imagine in spring, full tree spring onion the prospects of the Yu, have no bridge to lead to in the island, it becomes an isolated island, be offer sacrifices to of day arrival, two parties of the follower of a religions will enter fresh flowers Sa river.
Gradually, time solidifies rules, time also diluted old grudge, two the parties follower of a religion contact get up of, not only only is a few cloths to admire to pull the big bridge on the river, but also have cloth admire pull of businessman, there are bright absolute being or true lord in their heart, too, but the real spirit in their heart is a bore square the absolute being is exactly these businessman's aggressive activities and make this once died the city of Ji again gradually resumed organic.
The cloth admires the gold and silver container and precious stone jewelry of pulling the production and has been the high profit goods that the businessmen pursue, but now again many a kind of cloth admire pull paper, this kind of paper is the special approval that got Li Qing An, cloth admire several ten craftsmans pulling study deckle to the ground leaf, but gradually form of a kind of industry.
Now, there is the cloth that about 100 consumedly small workshopses produce inside the city admire pull paper, because the paper noodles is delicately clean, investigate and big Tang of Chang-an once the paper compare, and enjoy big anthropophagi and person in Rome's favor, more because it dealer luck the road is short, and make the cost lower half, the price obviously compares Tang Zhi to have advantage, gradually, cloth admire pull paper and then capture the whole western market, even the clerk of ground leaf's authorities also adopts this kind of paper.
Where the Li Qing cloth admires to make longer history Ju to rather accompany bottom, by wagon inspected this to raise the city that the city flees from home once, cloth admire made longer a history, this was Anne west the politics hall is under Li Qing An's designation, in this June practice of major act, established governmental affairs in all countries in the river long history, in the supervisor river the governmental affairs of all countries, and at the beginning just took down river in after practice of joint meeting system, have been exist in name only now, kings in all countries' power has already been built on stilts, they only just the symbol of Kingdom, they original little public order power also transfer governmental affairs long history hand in, can say, this was the various country state county in river to turn the most important one step.
In the river in the long history of all countries, long history in Samarkand and cloth admire make longer a history the most important, Samarkand long history from Luo Qi clearly serve as, he has been being responsible for the governmental affairs contact in the river, cloth admire make longer history Ju rather is a middle age about 40 years old, originally the sun county of Deng Zhou Nan makes, in those early years Li Long Ji in response to Li Qing An it please, from the hinterland took out adjust count official hierarchy member to Anne's west worked, afterwards had half of near officials all 66 continuously and continuously return to, but also had the officials to don't wish to return to, this Ju rather be one of them, he straight-tempered sold the farm land of old house, moved parents of wife son all ground leaf, prepare permanence in Anne's west settle down.
He is responsible for Chinese people of 5,000 emigrant stone countries, he leads 5,000 emigrant the hardship start a business and built up in the Tuo the north of the city white water county and new Yuan county, his achievement got Li Qing An's affirmation, this time build up governmental affairs in the river long history, the Ju rather and then is adjusted to be cloth admire make longer a history.
This is again a new challenge to him, but only a few month time, the Ju is rather then barely understand Su especially language, can and the native son communicate.
As for Ju rather of achievement, Li Qing An cans see well, cloth admire pull this satisfied Be started sending out new bud again by the old tree of wound.
"Now Yao follower of a religion how relationship with Muslem's follower of a religion is, do they have friendly intercourse?"Li Qing An smiles to ask a way.
"Report back a great commander soldier, we strongly support both parties' moderate parties and let them respectively constitute elder regiment, the periodical conference negotiates, what problems can talk, so a lot of visible results can in advance guard against, for example last month, a Muslem youth took a Yao to teach the miss how to elope, this matter cause the each other blaming of of two big households, almost hatched bled affairs, luckily the in time communicating of of two parties elders, just quelled to settle a dispute to carry."
Li Qing An Rao has fascination ground to ask a way:"That this youth men and women arrive where go to, there is news?"
"It is said that I am to escape Chang-an, at Chang-an all of them are a Su the person there is no religious difference especially, the nobody will take care of them, this don't go in the river, if 2 people want to marry, have to be another on giving up own faith, and the household also prohibits."
Make reference to this, the Ju rather draws a deep sigh a way:"Make the religion that people have a headache"
Li Qing An but tiny smile way:"If the Ju grows history don't want to despise this religion an antinomy, this is our big Tang to last long to rule the key in the river, you have to remember me, as long as their religious self-contradict days exist, that they have no national consciousness for a day, I might as well reveal some news to you, Anne is western the politics hall have already drawn up an explicit plan, again lead five years, the region in river continuously moves man people's 300,000, encourage man the beard relate by marriage and expand written Chinese to turn, again lead decade, can change name to a way in river in the river, establish nine states, 32 counties, again establish a mostly Du mansion, that time, from Chang-an set out of Tang Zhi Dao, will keep arriving Mu river front."
Li Qing An's farsighted plan lets Ju rather also concussion not already, he just wanted to talk, at this time, a close soldier outside the wagon reports to report:"Great commander soldier, Li Si Ye's general has been already arrived."
Li Qing An then rather says with smile to the Ju:"I am going to see Li Si Ye, in the evening I then talk the governmental affairs of region in river well with you, there is also clear Luo Qi, I want to open a meeting with your these governmental affairs officers the day after tomorrow."
"That good, I didn't bother a great commander soldier."
Li Si Ye since that city rushed through, from vomited a Fan soldier to capture to vomit fire Luo, the discomfort of region in river also turned worse, but because the mountain range separates, not easy from vomit fire Luo the military advance river, the iron gate pass woulds be to vomit fire Luo to go to the only route in the river, Tang Jun stationed 10,000 crack troopses on this hazardous pass Ai and took strict precautions against to vomit Fan into make river in.
In addition to the iron gate closes, the soldier in river is stationing 20,000 battalions inside history country and small history national territorial, currently river in of 40,000 Tang soldier one greater half all station in this two sides.
Li Si Ye all the Du mansion also moved that, he hears that Li Qing An is getting to river, specially since that rushed through.
Li Qing An arrived soldier Ya, Li Si Ye had already waited for many, he quickly faces out, the half kneels to go 1:"Vulgar job Li Si Ye, pay respects to Zhao Wang's his highness"
There is an unspoken rules in Anne's west, that is the form of address to Li Qing An, general Hahn people all call Li Qing An as the great commander soldier and non-Han nationalities then calls Li Qing An, Zhao Wang, , but arrives Li Si Ye here have a little dissimilarity, Li Si Ye's also calling Li Qing An as Zhao Wang's his highness , from this form of address, then can see Li Si Ye's some ideas, he is to determinedly support Li Qing An's contending for a throne, by so doing, he is Anne western of No.2th person, can connect Li Qing An's seat smoothly, but as for Li Qing An is how think, unmanned know.
Need to say two more here, Anne west Tang Jun is divided into two individuals: tooth soldier and Shu soldier to fasten, the tooth soldier is divided into six classes, such as soldier, Wei, camp, trip and brigade, fire...etc., while the Shu soldier is divided into to guard to catch, town, Shu fortress three poles, Shu soldier and tooth soldier are Anne west the regular army is controled by the military authority and return another regiment to do a soldier, is also people's regiment, belong to reserve service, is controled by the politics hall.
See from the surface, seem the text force divide inheritance, but the text force of the tang dynasty don't divide inheritance, the text officer can also control regular army, that is the Jian army system degree, this is big Tang's basic system, in those early years Li Qing An once drive the side made truly Jian soldier, but Li Qing An resumed the previous imperial censor Jian army system degree of Li Long Ji, was inspected an office by Anne's west to send to inspect a member long halted each soldier, not only inspected military discipline, but also kept watch on these great commanders that controled military power.
Li Qing An is a great commander soldier, so military post of tallest his under charge arrives general and totally has seven famous general soldiers currently, Li Si Ye, seal often pure, solid show segment, Li Guang Bi, the Li don't guard Yu and Cui Gan to bless and the Li non- dollar gift, in these seven famous general soldiers, the ordinary people are to give them gold medal ordinal number to carry on placings according to Li Qing An, but the military authority inner part is actually again divided into three classes, Li Si Ye, seal often pure, segment the show is in really first degree;Li Guang Bi and Li doesn't guard Yu for second degree, the Cui Gan blesses and the Li non- dollar the gift is a third pole.
Anne the west soldier grade is severe, so in the future Li Qing An if contend for throne success, that new of Anne west the stanza degree make meeting at Li Si Ye, seal often pure show solid 3 people to win election with segment, these three people actually have already been placed in a kind of status of competition.
But there is another parlance again now, say Anne's west in future may penny is four, northern stanza degree in the court and Anne west stanza degree and Ling west stanza degree and stanza degree in river, and vomit the fire Luo's governor of province and believe virtuous governor of province, the future should be six big various Hous.
But ignore is which project, Li Si Ye will be weighed to use, Li Qing An also really thinks greatly of this Anne west doyen of will get, will resist the heavy responsibility of big food to hand over to him.
Li Qing An hurriedly starts to hand him to say with smile:"The Si industry need not act like this heavy gift, we were old war allies, or at will made people feeling warm at 1:00, or called I great commander soldier, I don't like that you call my Zhao Wang's his highness."
Li Si Ye is ashamedly some the head of Nao Nao to say with smile:"Up and down is different from, I how can at will, that is all right me to call a great commander soldier."
"This to"
Li Qing An smiled to clap to clap his shoulders, "we enter a house to say."
2 people walked into inside the house and put western big sand dish of Anne inside the house, this was Li Qing An to arrive where will take of baby, come to river in no exception.
2 people sit down first, life person of Li Qing An ascend tea, he this just ask a way:"Say first to vomit Fan the person's circumstance, can vomiting Fan the person enter the scheme of making the iron gate pass?"
Li Si Ye shook to shake head a way:"Temporarily didn't°yet, but we have already several times discovered to vomit Fan sentinel, they cross Mu river, close a neighborhood tour in the iron gate, I estimate a this year summer autumn it hands over, vomiting Fan the person will enter to make river in."
"BE?Meeting why is a spring summer it hands over, why meeting is in the river but not is believe virtuous, I have much of interest, you say to see."
"This....The vulgar job thinks to vomit Fan the person actually has already treated virtuous letter as the thing in the bag, they real of the enemy is Tang Jun, particularly ground leaf, Tang Jun, , so before soldier send letter virtuous, they have to want chase cares at home solution, directly broke off a leaf, will be very difficult, I predict them to beat river first in, lead to ground leaf's a part of Tang Jun river in, then take the offensive a ground leaf with all strength, as for summer autumn it hand over, is on the other hand the firmness that they need time to vomit fire Luo, and then want to rush through to act before accepting food, on the other hand summer autumn it handing over and believing virtuous weather is blazing hot, all of them are plateaus soldier, will can not adapt to, so I predict should at 78 months to begin in the river."
"Quite good"
Li Qing An smiles to lightly applause a way:"The Si industry more and more had taste, but I still need to ask you, you in consideration of do the big anthropophagi have no?"
Make reference to big anthropophagi, Li Si Ye's facial expression becomes dignified, he in quick time walk to the sand before the dish, ten wood poles point at a small history country of the Mu river west coast way:"Here, right here, I just got intelligence report the day before yesterday and greatly ate a soldier 30,000 troopses have already arrived here, this was also the affair that I worry most , and greatly eating a soldier had to participate to come in."
"That do you think that the big anthropophagi are to want to deal with to vomit a Fan person, still keep wanting to deal with us?"Li Qing An smiles to ask a way.
"I think that the big anthropophagi were to want to deal with to vomit a Fan person, seized to vomit fire Luo from vomit the Fan hand, we had nothing to say."
"Is not that big food afraid of us to break their back routes?"
"This......"Li Si Ye is stunned speechless, his wry smile is one- track:"Great commander soldier, I am a bit careless, hold general situation I is still won't do."
"Let me come to tell you"
Li Qing An once connects a wood pole from him and pointed at to shout that Luo Shan says with smile:"Original I do of vomit the fire Luo's royal feast is to want to entertain big anthropophagi, but have never thought come vomit Fan, this guest who comes uninvited, Man Su Er should also see out, and I parties went to emissary, warn him not to act rashly, certainly Man Su Er can't be subjected to my threat, he waits for the most beneficial opportune moment, this opportune moment is Tang Jun and vomits Fan soldier nobody wins, he probably takes the offensive river in, may also take the offensive to vomit fire Luo, will depend on circumstance, so the soldier in your river has to press the soldier immobility, can not make the river hollow falsely, as for vomit fire Luo."
Li Qing An sneered at one- track:"In fact I basically didn't vomit Fan the person put in the mind, we have an earthquake the thunder for sky, vomiting the Fan soldier can resist live?I of so slowly don't affirm to send army to vomit fire Luo, be want to wait to vomit Fan a person to increase a soldier again, had better increase to 200,000 battalions, disadvantageous to us in the plateau battle, but at vomit fire Luo battle, then and exact center my bottom bosom, I want to make use of the opportunity of this once in a lifetime, will vomit Fan person whole Jianses is vomiting fire Luo, thoroughly will vomit Fan to beat remnants, let to vomit Fan in a hundred years inside all hard turn over a body."
Make reference to this, Li Qing An uses wood pole another big way of Bo Lyu:"Before I come to river in, just got news, we a group of patrols thorough vomited fire Luo, they explored extremely important intelligence report, vomiting the great Pu of Fan will come to vomit the fire Luo's inspection in February, so we can close them is vomiting the fire Luo's clobber."
Li Si Ye this just understands Li Qing An's general situation deployment and originally vomit fire Luo Be just a bait, no wonder that Li Qing An be slowly not willing to take the offensive to vomit fire Luo, is so, in his heart from Kui not equal to, strive for one service in one bureau he can, can strive for world general situation, he basically could not does, at this time, he quickly asks a way again:"Does that greatly eat how to do?They are shouting that Luo Shan has 70,000 battalions, if they loot to vomit fire Luo, how should we do?"
Li Qing An smiled to smile, the Byzantium way of wood pole a northern side:"I have already reached agreement, in a few more days with Byzantium, the Byzantium will distinctly increase a soldier to the big food boundary and exert pressure to the big anthropophagi, if the big anthropophagi really dare dispatch troops to fight towards vomiting fire Luo, and that Byzantium will send army Armenia."
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