
google is very grateful

Now their employment in a lane identification ,which Dogen knowledge is looked at his reason .To be startled at do not know how it is .To this strange element knowledge carefully asked: elder you what is this ?How do you know the yuan in my pubes inside ?What ?I am alive.
, relationresultThis series of questions,let the public doesn the answer which is good .Thought on after the assembly and said: you want me to answer the question ? And this was just yourself is too anxious for asking so many questions .
The result was asked .Some feel shy said: the elder tells me I am still alive ? , relationresultThis is a good question ,I ! Play tone which some sly means .Nariwa Ya did not know why the publicity would say ,the ground does not know what to say .
relationresultZhang Yangfound this and silent ,and he would not want to make fun of the .He said : you open your eyes will know ! After publicity element knowledge out of and employment .
relationresultAndafter the play slowly try to open my eyes ,when fully opened my eyes ,found himself lying on the bed ,and the bed stood a black-clad young man looked at him smiling .
relationresultAndin view of this black men feel when a familiar smell ,this ten years this publicity incessantly with indigenous youngsters aura for his restoration reason ,if he did not feel there is problem .
This breath and reason comes out of the atmosphere as like as two peas .And asked : elder where am I ? , relationresultZhang Yang smiled and said: your case door do not know ? And then the room looked after the discovery of the room and their own case door .
That what you are in the case of door .relationresultThe originalcolleagues novel Star Contest December 1st debut ,more than 100 novel hot competition ,various types of human subjects of colorful, million award flower falls whose home ?Quickly come !relationresultThe originalwebpage game the way the world office * Female beta VIP user exclusive , relationresultIn the sixty-ninth chapter,the blue soul evil , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-512:16:53 chapter number :4382 , relationresultThepublicity would sound to Paul Chun to tell him and was awake .
In the ten years between publicity step out of the room ,only the test of fire in a few times .Liu Tiangen didn want to disturb him not come in .Paul Chun in the ten years of the show can cure it and is always worried about .
Or many times wanted to have a look, but think before publicizing words he kept back again .Today I finally heard the publicity of sound ,cnn,telling myself into and wake up .Waiting for ten years and finally came the good news .
Paul Chun hurried acoustic to all elders and uncle bus to tell them the good news .relationresultWhen theShura door top after hearing the news, immediately rushed to the healing room .
Paul Chun went to the healing room door when hands are trembling ,he is afraid of the publicity tell him is false .While several other elders had a look at the bus ,bus tapped Paul Chun on the shoulder and said: don ,publicity since said wake up ,is to wake up ,he did not need to cheat you ,rest assured .
, relationresultPaul Chunlistened to put a little heart hand nor in the shiver .Organize your own emotions pushed open the door .When people enter the room ,see the publicity is standing and lying bed and talk .
Zhang Yang looked around in the crowd said: Qin door main ,bus predecessors ,the ancients ,are all here, ten years ago I said to cure and injury ,now ten years after I put a good and back to you Lord Qin door .
relationresultPaul Chunsaw and not things ,finally convinced the public words ,which Paul Chun of publicity is very grateful, this publicity not only saved and treatment ,and good and the meaning is very big ,because since ten years ago and was the blue soul after setback ,Shura door morale by heavy blow ,although not the morale, but Paul Chun is also the first case and endless hatred aside ,one door disciple not to arbitrarily to electrodeless religious people and no case of close door-to-door .
The following people are feel anger does not come out feeling ,suppressed for ten years Paul Chun also feared that if a and is not good ,Paul Chun also pressed the following person anger .
Now reconciled following people hold this tone is also a place to vent .relationresultPaul Chun looked into thepublicity gratefully said: brother Shura door on publicity today ,I represent the Paul Chun door Sholomon thank you .
And toward this publicity was bowing .This publicity but was surprised, you a Shura door god to give me a junior bow ,how do I deserve it .If I were you this gift ,estimate your elders door will give me the look .
Think of this quickly went forward hand on Paul Chun so that he could not move forward bend .Anxious to said to Paul Chun : Qin door main you .Just lift a finger ,in that I have not help you unconditionally ,I volunteered to become and heal when I said I was purposeful ,now I can put my purpose to tell you .
, relationresultAndhear the publicity that saved his purpose is surprised ,in his opinion the master asked the man to save him ,and now it is a purpose in coming .Think of this publicity atmosphere to said: ,I thought you were a bright man ,did not expect that you also take advantage of another of man !Early to know not to let me die .
, relationresultPaul Chun heardand words while feeling the publicity of the see ,but what also say and how to say ,others saved even if you have to ,as long as they are not overly I Shura door what can not .
And ,you just don talk much restored ,we listen to stink brothers say ? , relationresultZhang Yangto and words that were not placed on the heart ,for he just woke up to save himself is a purpose, will be such a situation .
Zhang Yang said to Paul Chun : Qin door main don and brother ,I can understand him, actually my aim is very simple ,just after electrodeless case against my time ,I want to Qin gate to carried out under a helping hand .
relationresultPaul Chunand the presence of a person that is somewhat puzzling .You play for us though Ashura to save people ,but no cases also won you saved it to kill you ,google?Think of these questions puzzled face Paul Chun .
relationresultZhang Yangsaw the people face questions will own and the blue soul between things to say ,Facebook.These people knew why just publicity would say .Paul Chun after listening to readily said: if after electrodeless deadly dare to seek publicity brother you trouble ,then it is equal to find I Shura door trouble ,you may rest assured that as long as you have something ,and you must fight Ashura door .
Zhang Yang listened to the words of Paul Chun, my joy .This all hastened to surrender thanks .Now known and the Shura door relationship is alliance relationship .With such a large background ,publicity is successful .
Zhang Yang told people to back off, will leave space to back door men .He knows that Paul Chun this time of ten years is how to get so very smart to go .relationresultAfter Zhang Yang left,Paul Chun and others around and look into .
His face is filled with a happy face ,who wouldn this publicity can put into and save .relationresultPaul Chun ispleased to ear ,to the elders to also do not know what to say .relationresultAndsee everybody so happy ,get out of bed at all of these elders apology ground says: disciples of the ten years for all of these elders much trouble, committing his elders to worry about yourself ,and really feel sorry ah ,and I am here today to swear the oath was avenged ! , relationresultPaul Chunsees and resumed the passion ,good ,good ,good . Related articles:

