
Beats by Dr Dre studio arm very heavily o

Medium of weapon to outside walk to, seem to what matters have never taken place, the only everywhere corpse reminds us this isn't the dream
, I pull the last officer brothers before going toward to stand a temple door at this time of over the Yan sister walk.
"2 should be over Yan show and over Yan Ning joss-stick princess, now imperial palace combines insecurity, please with me arrive the big Zhai out of the city, your sisters look after at our that someone, go to Wu over Yan his majesty and the corpse body of prince we will also take out together, need not worry" I gentleness of toward 2 people to say
Over Yan sister already drive at present of the prospects are ownerless for six absolute beings frightenning, at don't resist too greatly under, follow our troops to withdraw eastern pure saints all.
After returning to a row gram a big Zhai, the Dai Xi also faced out, however see complexion deadly pale of we can not help an asking of concern way:"What happened matter? how does everyone's facial expression deliver white?"
Grant a text and grant that the force ignores respectively to walk into at this time own tent doesn't deliver one language and see to today's stroke a lot too big to them, really is need to order time to calm down.
The Dai Xi then doesn't understand of looking at me, the full face puzzles of appearance
I smile of grasp the hand of Dai Xi, the soft voice says:"They are frightenned, take a rest like, to, you can for me take these two princesses to see their sisters good? is that person's quality, then arrange the place that they live for a while, I need a person to calm down"
The Dai Xi pretty much concerns at this time of ask a way:"China Anne, are you really free? don't frighten me, I will cry of …"
"Stop worrying, I have a little tired, you accompany them first for a while, I believe that they even need person's consolation than me, after all they just just lost all close relatives" I the soft voice say
The Dai Xi tooks a look them then says to me:"You trust, I will look after their "
"Have you to say like this me to trust" I order a saying of satisfaction
After the row gram big Zhai soldier soldier debt
Lead in the Dai Xi under, over Yan show and over joss-stick of Yan Ning eventually the Wu saw over Yan Zhen, finish seeing Yan Zhen is all wound all over of lie on the bed a to move also motionless
"The elder sister of Dai Xi, my two elder sisters how? harm very heavily?" over joss-stick of Yan Ning worries of ask a way
"To ah younger sister Xi of  ̄ Dai, my two younger sisters now how is condition?" finishes a Yan show to immediately after concern ground to ask a way
Because the over Yan sister is lived over a long period of time in the temple, so have no what at the same year Ji's friend, just because of such, see on the contrary have warm feeling after the Dai Xi at 2 people, and Dai Xi also with way hello that treats a friend they, at lose close relatives of in the over Yan sister eyes, have already considered as the good friend in Gui to the Dai Xi and treated.
"The elder sister of the Zhen losing blood is excessive, so still just in the obfuscation, however I have already eaten the tonic of fan fog forest for her, I think to be very quick and then will be awake, you don't want to worry too much" Dai Xi towards two what people explained to say
The waist that finishes the joss-stick of Yan Ning to embrace Dai Xi at this time says a head in the bosom that put in the Dai Xi:"O.K. the elder sister of Dai Xi helps us, take place today so many matters, even died father's adults, house also have no, I really don't know hereafter how should do just like ………"
"Dai younger sister Xi, you feel to grant martial his majesty will how handle our sister?" over Yan show caution of ask a way
The Dai Xi touched finish touching the head of the joss-stick of Yan Ning saying:"This I don't know as well, I just come to help my husband of, I don't have formal military post"
Finish a Yan show to immediately after ask a way at this time:"That in addition to grant in addition to force his majesty,Beats by Dr Dre studio, who can know we will how?"
Is sweet to sweetly say in"this ah the  ̄ should be my husband, he has much of amount of in the last officer family's heart of" heart of Dai Xi
The "the friend of last officer's house? how have never listenned to have this number person? I pour and ask" over Yan wishes
The "Dai younger sister Xi, your husband is which youth's hero ah?" over Yan show asks a way
"He is China Anne, in fact we haven't married, however he has already sent me "the heart of spirit" so I affirm that he is my husband" Dai Xi simultaneously say part the show make moves"the heart of spirit" of arm to let 2 people see
" ̄ Very beautiful arm wreath oh, this cost a lot?" over joss-stick of Yan Ning touches"the heart of spirit" asking a way
"To ah  ̄ is he in order to buy to this arm wreath to me to still fight with a nobility" Dai Xi says with smile
"He how of a person ah? can the elder sister of Dai Xi speak with me?" over joss-stick of Yan Ning curiously asks a way
"Is such ………… ." at Dai Xi the process that we know each other and before take place of matter, moving the voice in the Dai Xi and spin a yarn a technique bottom(do not know as well why, originally spoke like the Dai Xi of wood to live with me long after, also intimidated me the lousy technique learned 80%), finished Yan sister to listen to like Chily if inebriated, seemed to see a graceful bearing man to appear in he or she's in front.
"Water  ̄ ̄ ̄ I want to drink water  ̄ ̄ " bed ascends at this time the obfuscation has been doing not come to of the over Yan Zhen shout a way
After hearing finish shouting of Yan Zhen, just listen to of leave over Yan show and over Yan Ning of soul joss-stick pullout reality, the Xi of the Dai poured glass water to finish starting to hand Yan Zhen at this time and feed her to drink.
"Drinking is slowly, don't the Qiang wore" Dai Xi says after connecting fed three glass waters
"……………… Where is this ?" over the Yan Zhen is used hoarse of the voice ask a way
The "two younger sisters are the big Zhai of row gram here, I and Ning joss-stick all here" over Yan show towards bed up finish saying of Yan Zhen
The "row gram big Zhai!! you are all grasped come? father's adult?" over Yan Zhen suddenly sits to start to a hasty way
The hand that finishes the joss-stick of Yan Ning to grasp over Yan Zhen at this time says:"Two elder sisters, father's adult and brother-in-law together returned Wu to exert …… ."
Hear after this news, the over Yan Zhen suddenly opens a pair of eyes quivering voices to say:"What? how can so? was our east pure to put out a country?"
Finished a Yan show to settle to stop and think to say at this time:"Yes two younger sisters, from now on, second especially the orchid lifted to have the eastern pure Kingdom this nation any further in the Si mainland, we are all captive of row gram now …………"
"That we hereafter should what should one do ah …… . emperor's clan of Wu country only have pathetic destiny just ……… perhaps we will be sold out be slave also perhaps ah ………" finishes saying of the quivering voice of Yan Zhen
The Dai Xi sees them lose thus, in the heart cant not bear to of say:"You trust like, I can't let you are humiliated of, I will please China Anne to arrange somehow for you, don't worry"
The "China Anne? he is who? does the row gram have this number person?" over Yan Zhen doubt asks a way
The "he is the friend of last officer's house, just come to row gram for more than a years, not second the orchid lift the person of Si mainland especially" Dai Xi explanation says
Finished Yan Zhen to gradually reply spirit to sit to say at this time:"If not that our east is pure drive you row gram in a row how many of if the conspiracy succeed, I think that you can not also win us, how does row gram's when appearing a so severe superior all don't know?"
Finish a Yan show but act out of character at this time of finish towarding Yan Zhen to say with the novella tone:"Two younger sisters make effort in vain you to join the army so for several years, isn't an eldest sister to want to try to please a row gram, know national important event of soldier's, for the sake of no matter the national interest is used what methods all want to win, if lose is a not equal to skill person.
Lose combine no big deal, but good arrive precept, then remind moment by moment oneself not again makes same mistake, father's adult and brother-in-law, they are to have never remembered teach but fall this end, we should hate of is wes but isn't a row gram, we are vanquished by wes of ah ………"
"The eldest sister says of to, although we lost,we is to lose in our internal rebellion and not is to lose to the row gram, change a position wants, if row gram internal rebellion, that we whether will also take advantage of an opportunity aggression? I think a meeting of, although I don't want to admit very much,I must admire the courage of row gram's granting martial his majesty, can converse war situation under the such bad situation" over joss-stick of Yan Ning says
The "but, the father's enemy must report ah!!" over Yan Zhen loses a shouting loudly of voice way
"The elder sister of the Zhen, can I say a words?The his majesty of your country is dead on the whose hand Related articles:

