
Beats By Dr Dre Solo oise a way Hea

The gold s è Ultrasaurus that formed one to be up to several meters!
The scale on the Ultrasaurus body is clear it is thus clear that, Nian beard the calm is automatic, under the body of five claws Be tiny to flex, all of everythings are to so live vivid now ……the sovereign dragon of eastern Ultrasaurus-five claw gold dragon!
Falsely copy existent time is with leaf Zheng's technical ability keep on time to wait together, exactly 15 of time, thoroughly shocked owner!Not only is for this kind of special effect of shocked, most make people shocked of BE, be falsely those five claw gold dragons to copy to appear of, incredibly direct shook the black Long Gei who forms to°from the chemical element to spread, make that black dragon thoroughly become a pure chemical element, any further have no of attack dint!
This ……what technical ability is this ?Not only is the audiences gape, even ALOS this waits the superior Be getting more stagnant.Only with a falsely copy, ability does the direct earthquake spread the enemy's attack?Don't say didn't once hear, connect to think, they also didn't once think!
Whole field the one is quiet, leaf Zheng holds a gun, the signing of awe-inspiring is over there, not speech not language ……
But at this time, in the Z area, but is an one ebullition!
Dragon!That is the totem absolute being of the Z area monster, the still tallest Class of five claw gold dragon!What does this mean?In the heart of Z area player, this a moment, stand at float an empty platform on of leaf Zheng is the common player that truely represented their se Z areases!Because ……five claw gold the dragon is the totem that all Z area persons believes in!
Kyoto, the o bar of xi ǎ for acquainting with inside, at this time inside but is only two people ……
A that time often appears in the star here to fall a dust, another, but is one to wear full-length gown, feature beauty, but depend on a little more rare and familiar nv kid.
It is putting the game of WNA league match at this time, on the in the middle virtual screen of the o bar of xi ǎ .
The star falls dust while seeing leaf Zheng on the screen letting out to protect life technical ability, see that gold dragon falsely copy will black at the time that Long Zhen spread, the eyebrows was also tiny tiny a wrinkly, obviously heart in is also very shocked.Just, this person has what worry, always all just present to mind, few performances come out or speak of to the person just.
However, just a short moment, seem is wanted to understand what, forehead flash across one silk suddenly, the tiny wrinkly eyebrows then loosenned to open.
"Good heavens!Handsomely!"At this time, but the nv kid of flank is to toward leaf Zheng on the screen to start "hu ā Chi", marveled to make a noise a way.
Hear marveling of nv Hai, the star falls a dust this just think of a body beside still have "the Gu n ǎ in ǎ i" so on the first ……
"I if also have such a gold Long Zuo's pet, that is much good!"Nv Hai but is the the for marveling.
The star fell a dust forehead to appear a few black lines …… five claw gold the dragon consider as a pet ……how return can have so the game xi ǎ o the person of the white!
This time, on the screen, the lens gave leaf Zheng a close-up, beautiful and slender of face on full is solemn and peaceful.
"Yi?This person ……how do I feel a bit familiar looking?"The nv Hai suddenly wrinkled up a good-looking eyebrows way.
The star falls a dust canthus tiny tiny a jump ……you still have to who not familiar looking?He immediately thought of to meet this nv Hai of situation ……was also "handsome boy, you were very familiar looking" at that time ……then, the someone was thoroughly entwined ……certainly, concrete circumstance Yao, now not much said.
The star falls a dust although at heart stomach Fei, , his nature can't say on his own initiative what and unavoidably provoke a troublesome last body.He thinks most now of be, after be over, get away from this troublesome nv quickly ……
……You say a nv kid, have a liking for go to also t ǐ the ng is gentle and quiet, but take as for words that speak of name ……cluster bewitching n dance of lu à ……all right, his star's falling a dust be first hurt for stem by a nv person ……
It is also very and surprised in the leaf Zheng heart at this time in fact.A ng function that falsely copy, there is basically no substantial x ì of gold dragon, incredibly is the ability direct to shake black Long Gei to spread?
However, his knowledge nature is comparing present great majority persons all is abundant, so, Be just very tiny one Leng, he wanted to understand.This possibility relates to the strict caste system of monster!How can the black dragon compare with sovereign eastern Long Zu?
Certainly, these mindsets all time that keep on doing not grow.No matter how it is say, the game in nowadays still don't end ……
Leaf Zheng beginning the at every step tight b ī let Sten sink into passive situation and had no excessive long was forced to use to protect a life to greatly recruit.And now, but Sten suddenly deliver dint, strong dint technical ability depend on to depend on oneself, also protecting of leaf Zheng the life technical ability b ī come out!Fight to this situation, 2 people respectively lost to protect life technical ability, total of come to say, who have never also had whose cheapness.
However, the many people in the mind all bright hall wears, next words ……Sten is perhaps some dangerous ……literally change to do is who, drive a magic trick to make track for thus distress, perhaps change who all have some to suppress something to bend.
Indeed as expected, leaf Zheng stands to wait for"guard"ing over there of keep on after time end, immediately aimed at Sten to launch to"inherit"!Guard is will reduce oneself 50% ambulation speed, don't wait this status disappearance, even if is near the body of the other party, leaf Zheng doesn't think as well to will result in to Sten what threat!
The Sten accountancy calculates, leaf Zheng equally also the accountancy calculate!Go to start into eventually, time be made track for, leaf Zheng has never escaped from the attack distance of standard!
Winked, leaf Zheng arrived Sten in front, Sten too late responded, helpless under, have to use understand to control technical ability!
Darkly believe in!After using immediately relieve the whole control effect, and make the oneself get into unreal status, 8 next inside, all injury lower 60%!This is a solution of effect that is supplementary to reduce wound to control technical ability, and"converse"ing of leaf Zheng looks exactly alike.
However, even if take to 60%ly reduce wound, Sten didn't dare to open to let a leaf Zheng attack as well!The shot technique of connecting of leaf Zheng is still an equal trouble to him of and make oneself lose some unseen right of control very easily.
Long gun disease sting, directly order to Sten the ng of xi ō , the point of a spear takes tiny tinily shiver, let people m ō where be not pure his attack exactly ordered!
The ng of xi ō is this kind of vital part position, how is Sten easily willing to take to attackstone for other people?The means that formerly accepted leaf Zheng after, he doesn't dare to hide s ī again, foot a slippery, a highly difficult slippery step side body hid in the past and acted big range, direct Shan leaf Zheng's attack scope!
Leaf the Zheng at heart is clear:Indeed as expected the means of this guy is many, thus highly difficult avoid being seen to act incredibly light loose of did out!Think, but the action in the his hand didn't stop, long once the gun change and continue to wield a common attack.Kill to recruit, that nature is can not easily the ng fee of l à, his war spirit still come it not easy of, once the ng fee of l à dropped, if have what difference change, so a bit difficult to do.
Connect down,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, two artificial owners showed one act, what be called a near body battle!
Is various highly difficult evade confrontation with action on Sten and absolutely can say to is a Nian at random, although leaf Zheng's calculation very of j ī ng indeed, , these very evading confrontation with of rules' acting usually will escape from his attack scope on one's own initiative, let him is emollient have no the place make, always impossibly and for temporarily needing, the gun in the handle knob to throw and go out?
Certainly, Sten also in no case wills be pleased and then sinks into like this passive defend of situation, let the other party one step one step of control rhythm to come to hand last.The superior's calculation ability is all very strong, and is like time of this kind of attack crevice, everyone calculate similar and accurate, root nonexistent who compare who stronger problem, Sten is total ability at leaf Zheng's attack cleft time, use a little bit own in a sudden deliver magic trick to backstroke for a while.Don't beg ability b ī get the other party how, it begs the attack rhythm of the à n the other party of a dozen of lus!
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