
cheap beats by dre xtremely secret s

With dragon Ziqi personnel to practice, and only the Qin family descendants know this ,but Kong Yu broke the Qin family, but also know the imperial extremely siddhi practice method ,of course ,this is just the Qin Shaoyou his ideas ,Kong Yu in fact see Qin Shaoyou play queen God work time already know these things.
The .relationresultQinShaoyou now in heaven to see Li Jun play imperial extremely siddhi ,the nature in the heart is speculated this is Professor Kong Yu ,after all, in the days of imperial extremely magic only two of them ,but since Kong Yu taught Li Jun imperial extremely secret ,so is their brother ,nature is not to let Shi Xiaohu the beheaded .
relationresultJustShaoyou early Qin is too profound to be understood Shi Xiaohu that mana to rock ,how he could not understand all of his magic shot Shi Xiaohu in the body how to do not have a thing ?Is this release tiger is not a person ?But in some of Li Jun confused mind when, release tiger hand flicked gave him a slap in the face ,will Li Jun film directly is rolling on the ground several times before it stopped ,people saw release tiger they bully Sea Prince is not forward, is far away the .
relationresultShe had been slapped in the faceof Li Jun is awakened ,look for the release of devils tiger ,now is shrinkage neck ,then look to the Qin Qin Shaoyou kind Shaoyou ,think more, on the ground, dare ,do to Qin Shaoyou said , is the master to teach to me, you don do it ,my master is very powerful ,he gets to know you bully me ,will give me .
, relationresultQinShaoyou thought they offer masters name ,Lu Ping they fear, but did not expect Qin Shaoyou to Li Jun words, walk past is kick on Li Jun stomach pain ,Li Jun is bent into a prawn look ,mouth does not stop vomit ,vomit is a mouth with blood ,the subsequent Qin Shaoyou and asked him , I ask who you are to teach you the imperial extremely magic ,you talk nonsense ,beware of your life .
, relationresultLi Jun wasat this time that a regret ,he wanted to be power and prestige, with no guards came out, who thought met such a man ,and looks very kind people .The more ruthless, this makes Li Jun cry mind have, but he saw Qin little swims eyes immediately Charley said , the name of the master called hole jade ,you don I say is true .
, relationresultHe really is your disciple ? Qin Shaoyou eyes asked Li Jun ,eyes naked blink ,as Li Jungan said a lie immediately shot .Li Jun was Qin Shaoyou look a little guilty ,but also can lie, just whispered , no ,master said only make me a disciple .
, relationresultHa ha ,I said master how might such a waste as a disciple ,to no qualification qualification ,want to dare not brave . Stand aside the release tiger loudly said with a smile ,and Lu Ping is listening to Li Jun was a disciple of Kong Yu ,but also listened to release the cubs words are laughing .
relationresultLi Jun listened torelease my words staring eyes, and then look at Lu Ping and the others, a face incredible very resentful and said , you ..You are also disciples of master ?You beat me to play so hard? No, I want to tell her ,you a bully .
, relationresultWhile Li Junwords but also attract Lu Ping laughed ,then Lu Ping said to Li Jun , oh my gosh ,little brother ,you look at it you say ,we are with the study, how can you say to bully people ,besides ,the master but was promoted with research ,you say is it right? ? , relationresultLu Ping saidwhile patting Li Jun on the shoulder ,each shot is to let Li Jun concave down somewhat ,but Li Jun opened its mouth to cry is to even a little voice is out ,only is in the heart loud screaming ,do not stop crying master, help me ,help me ,they are bullying people ,is such a bully .
, relationresultBecause ofthe Qin Shaoyou words ,make Lu Ping they are know Li Jun practiced imperial extremely secret ,so naturally accepted Li Junshi Kong Yu his identity ,of course ,the student is a student ,and their formal disciple of nature is more than not, so think of how bullying to bully ,hard shot after a few ,Lu Ping hand over ,a pill in his hands ,and then into Li Jun ,this is them from East China Sea Dragon King with healing medicine, the effect is still very good .
relationresultJusta moment later, the body of Li Jun was recovered ,Lu Ping sees a Li Jun pulls up ,and then wrapped around Li Jun shoulder and said , you ah ,you see who are standing here for so long ,you, is it right? Should ask us to go to your house .
?If you are a man ,not that things do not understand ? , relationresultThe East China SeaPrince Li Jun was Lu Ping put her arms around her shoulders, suddenly is to feel uncomfortable ,anyway he is a prince ,where some people dare such unbridled ah ,but now he can get angry ,the brother is too great, he was afraid to own a bad performance ,and is going to be a beating, so immediately with a said , he said, he said, the seniors coming to the younger brother younger brother here ,it is natural to a good reception .
, relationresultLu Pingheard Li Jun after nodded ,expressed great satisfaction ,then is a Li Jun ,Li Jun will be pulled to the side ,whispered to Li Jun ear and whispered , you ah ,you have no brothel ?Oh ,you don ,don ,seniors can have no other meaning ,just want to see ,see .
, relationresultLi Jun listened tothe words of Lu Ping eyes ,Lu Ping, an unbelievable way ,mind is called , shame ,shame ,how my life so much suffering, how can there be such a boy . But the face is not shown, only is nodded and said , he wanted to see ,I naturally can be arranged ,please ,come with me .
, relationresultLu Ping listened tothe words of Li Jun ,nature is very satisfied ,to release the tiger several of them, then hugged Li Jun is the front walk ,and Li Jun heart was in his side sigh of life, side toward his house went .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 441st chapter exercise for maniac (go up) , relationresultLu Ping,they did not expect to meet again here this rebellion was the East China Sea ,in the county is Li Jun .
Ah ,so they are Li Jun brother, that is not do what you want to do !Lu Ping like Kong Yu to worldly things not so interested, but want the heaven all the fun things went ,you can find several fairy wife do it better .
relationresultLi Junroad is Lu Ping put her arms around her shoulders to walk ,the heart really is no more tears to cry ,thinking of his own master, how upright gentlemen ah ,how the brother is such a scoundrel ?But he was afraid to have what expression ,only as far as possible to the senior arrangement ,and several senior mana is quite high ,if we can help him, then in the future he wanted to make Li Tangguo king ,also not very easy .
relationresultIfnot encountered hole jade before, Li Jun also want to be a happy prince even, also won competed for Li Tang Chinese country mind ,but since I met Kong Yu ,has been
practicing techniques ,makes his mana rapidly after,cheap beats by dre, slowly let Li Junshou to take seriously, Li Tangguo Prince is many gradually expose the head ,this lets Li Juncai have gained for Related articles:

