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.Champagne, can be brought back a police station, Chen Xiao as the suspect is also taken to return to.

The champagne doesn't have the proof, passport of the identity of legality,beats by dre pro, visa, or is the certificate of Australia citizen ……she is completely a "black door".

Perhaps, this girl doesn't have this star up whichever nationally nationality ……

Plus again ……2 people's yellow skin.Black hair, also say an one mouthful Chinese.What to conveniently lift for a while BE, this nation in Australia, don't calculate to the Chinese people's attitude too friendly ……

Tossed about half in the police station hour about, those two boys that rob Chen Xiao and champagne after waking up, anti- give a bite, on the contrary accuse Chen Xiao and champagne of robbing they ……

This parlance very complete nonsense.

But ……those two guys are a local soil Zhao.Make what to smile BE, they still have legal of hold a gun certificate.

Although this parlance makes to smile very much,this parlance puts clearly of problem BE:The champagne doesn't have legal identity!

Chen Xiao can be regarded as to experience under the western judiciary of the police interrogated mode-basically see so just aboutly with movie.

It is after for an hour finally.The old farmland arrived to a police station and also brought a companion, one was dressed in deep color western dress and lift black leather suitcase ground white man-see his foppery's imitating a Buddha is a lawyer?

The old farmland and this guy arrived at to interrogate room the inside is after seeing Chen Xiao and champagne respectively.He directly arrived at the office of bureau chief in the police station.

The nature of police bureau chief disdains to very much to the Chinese people who hastily comes to visit, after old farmland explained purpose, police's bureau chief sneers at a way:"Sir, my person is according to legal of the procedure grasp them back!Law, are you understand?Law!Hum, for you this kind of yellow skin monkey come to say, perhaps and basically have no this kind of comprehension ability!That little girl, we doubt now that she is to smuggle ……put a person?The person who waits immigration office come to will make pure!Now ……invite you to go out!Leave my office!"

The old farmland isn't angry either.Slowly and longly sit at his opposite.Even still raise to have a leg.

"Mr. bureau chief are after for ten seconds.You the telephone on the table will ring, then you will receive a telephone ……come from a certain you have to look upwards of key figures ……then will make change a smiling face to me after you let go of telephone, for you the just ill-mannered words and actions does an apology."Old farmland light way:"Certainly, I am a generous person, so I accept your apology."

"Apologize?The ghost that sees you, you this is crazy ……"

Bureau chief hasn't finished saying, the telephone on the table suddenly ring!

His facial expression is tiny tiny on changing, hesitated to picked up a words tube for a while, listenned to not to arrive 20, the facial expression changed ……

After letting go of a telephone, the police station grows of forehead already full is a cold sweat.

"To …… sorry ……"

"You see, my that's right.I never tell a lie to the police-this is a good habit."The old farmland smiles very happily:"Can now put a person?"

Chen Xiao and champagne come out the time of police station, old farmland and nearby the lawyer wave hand on departure.

"How do you attain ground?"Chen Xiao cannots help but asking.

"Privilege."Old farmland light way:"The service center has ability from the territorial waters of Australia in row an islet, do you think that this small affair still makes uncertain?Although I is no longer service center ground person, is a retiree, still keep enjoying definitely special treatment."He turns a head to looking at champagne:"Bad news is …… champagne, today's affair is very quick and then will spread to in the island, the person of your home soon will know you and we is together ……"

"It isn't afraid."Champagne consumedly a smile:"My mother can't island of, she not comes, other people all not afraid!"

"Not, my meaning is ……" old farmland wry smile:"Although your mother can't leave an island,your home is very rich, those are idle to do on the island of employ a soldier is many.She can literally throw some money to come out and send a person to come to are strong line of to bring back you."

The facial expression of the champagne immediately Kua.

"You have two choices:The first stays in Sydney and waits for person's arrival on the island, then darling and they return to."The old farmland sighed tone:"2 ……we tonight immediately leave here!"

Champagne but some doubts looking at an old farmland:"How did you suddenly change an attitude?"

The old farmland smiles very"generous"ly:"Ha ha, certainly promise the indemnification of two of my cells repair liquid for the sake of you!Still have ……"

He imitated a Buddha to sigh tone, the tone was some appearances of Yous You.

"I ……in those early years, I knew your father, we once were good friends.He has never left an island from cradle to the grave, in fact I know that his in the mind looks forward to very much, so ……"

"Farmland big uncle, you are a good person."The champagne is some to move.

"Not, the words don't want to say all too soon."Old farmland Hey Hey a smile:"Following us is all right, but ……ticket money, your dining expenses, the accommodation expenses, all wants to pay!Don't want to eat without paying white to live!"

For a while, he looking at Chen Xiao:"You are the owner of cafe, is it now ……the cook in the cafe had, that fatty was dry quite good.However, seem to be at the right moment to lack an attendant?"

Chen Xiao's purse one's lips steals to smile.

(Two complete more!Is each, the 25th, be apart from by the end of the month for the last five day!

Does the hand inside still have a monthly ticket?Have a monthly ticket and then don't skin a flint, the hurl comes over)

The text chapter 96 【small and red tunic 】

Chapter 96 small and red tunic

"Is alas!Bother!"

Xu Er Shao*the sofa by the side of the window up, 1 time gapes 1 time to sigh.

Chen Xiao props up head to sit on his opposite:"Bother what?"

"In fine ……is troublesome."Xu Er Shao shakes head, the eye pupil son bone Lu bone Lu turned to turn and saw go and peeped out one face elder brother Zhu's kind toward the counter later on:"The young lady of the champagne can give me one more of coffee?"

The champagne of empress in the counter is sweet sweet on smiling, the style style is walked and is dressed in a set of uniform that cafe female invites on the body and holds coffee pot in hand, original of the slightly rustic fried dough twist plait have been already changed as well is two sides at the head respectively*near ear underneath of at will a firm, have a liking for go to namely sarcastic and lovely.Still painted on the lips some crystal lip gloss.

"See to you really being that the man's natural character is difficult to move."Chen Xiao humed 1.

"Where where, the heart person of love of beauty all has it."Xu Er Shao in a serious manner says:"I just embrace a mindset that appreciates beautiful thing very purely to see a champagne young lady, absolute have no what bad of idea!My Xu Yi Fan 's heart is loyal to a cabbage!"

Chen Xiao cannots help but smiling to smile:"The heart of regrettable cabbage seems to haven't been loyal to you."

Xu Er Shao sighed tone, however this kind of upset facial expression always on Xu Er Shao's faces all can't longer than five seconds, very quick he invigorated:"Pour is you, small Xiao, you look like the recent life have illicit love affairs.The home hid a Ya Ya, inside in the school my the teacher Xiao feeling seem to also have a little idea to you and go abroad one back now.Don't know again where turn to come back a such a sweet and charming little beauty ……"

Say, he knocked to knock head:"Even if is a cabbage, seem also some to the your ground attitude ……feed, I say that you can't quarrel for the sake of the woman with me?"

Chen Xiao directly turned over a cold stare.

"It is serious.Which girl do you exactly like?Do you exactly have a favorite girl or I should ask?"

Chen Xiao lowered the head to think meeting son and faced best friend for oneself.He finally said the truth:

"In fact ……should at last have a ."

"?Did you really have a favorite female kid?"Xu Er Shao came right away spirit and immediately watched out for of stare at Chen Xiao:"You don't want to tell me to am a cabbage!I will turn over face ground!"

"Of course not BE."

"Who is that ?H'm, the Ya Ya is innocent lovely, the Xiao feeling is lucid and attractive and free from vulgarity, and still has much of a personality ……all be not?Yi, is the champagne MM that you turn back?"Xu Er Shao repeatedly asks a way, unbearable silently Piao one eye counter behind of champagne.Discover champagne just at past make a town to certainly turn over a magazine, at the same time but seem silently side wear ear eavesdrop of appearance ……

Chen Xiao didn't talk and just looking at window other parts of country sunlight.The brain inside still kept coming out the female kid's smiling face that claims to be "spread a house" ……

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