
Beats By Dr Dre Studio actions completel

He found his two masked warriors ,siege ,are all entities !relationresultNovirtual image ,all entities !relationresultYou donEven the day order fighting skills ,and can not be a person into two ?relationresultDoesmasked warrior was two ,twins ?relationresultLetLongfei consternation things yet to come ,as he suspected that the masked warrior out what is the identity of his mask ,the siege of warrior two more ,the scene suddenly turned into a four play !relationresultAndnot empty body ,perception of Longfei clearly see ,four masked warriors are entities !relationresultButthis is not the most horrible, through fights, Longfei horror that ,four masked fighter strength completely different ,the earliest the strength in the seven level to the eight level between the bucket in ,second appear masked fighter strength reached nine level third level nine bucket ,bucket in the peak ,and the last one, the strength to a bucket of st.
!relationresultWhereis this coming from ?relationresultHow can abetter than one ?relationresultDragonheart fear extremely, this is the first time he met such a strange strange things .relationresultNo wonderthe guy can always stay undefeated ,with such terrorist capability, even the two bucket St.
play so difficult ,not to mention Su ,their strength even level five bucket case did not reach the small shrimp ... ... , relationresultHorrible thingshaven ,in Longfei heart shock ,fifth masked men towering presence .
relationresultTwo stagefor bucket holy strength !relationresultLongfeisuddenly feel great pressure .relationresultHe is currentlythe strength, is the two in order of bucket saint ,facing two level following the occupation ,he can cope with freedom ,can be a plus and his similar level of bucket saint ,he is not so free .
relationresultThis isthe horror of what gift ?It can be divided into five strength continuously increased the body ?But look at the sign ,it seems that she can have sixth ,or even seventh .
.. ... , relationresultThe longer,more slim chance of winning .relationresultWe mustfix it !relationresultLongfeiheart moved, not in his hand ,although he didn want to kill the masked warrior ,but the current situation is ,if he does not make their strongest fighting skills ,there is no chance of winning .
relationresultNow,he believed ,the masked warrior before and he said ,relationresultI want to win ,if you do not come up to kill my idea and I met you ,you will die ! , relationresultFly palm fifth stacked -- arc ! , relationresultThe power ofterrorist chatter of the fly palm from Longfei hands, to his nearest a masked warrior hit ,he would have perceived ,his nearest the masked warrior weakest !relationresultThe nearestr mask the body disappears ,easily dodge terrible might fly palm .
relationresultWhile thedragon mouth slightly up, sight unseen, and turned to a beat behind .relationresultNowbehind him and no one ,but when his palm to fly ,just the disappearance of the masked warrior ,appear in the fly pocket before .
relationresultHum ! , relationresultWhois next to a body ,immediately stop chattering ,but in time, is found ,the body trembling and more than one masked fighter ,although he did not play in the other four masked fighters ,but they also followed ,but was shot in the masked warrior ,to tremble .
relationresultTheyare one !relationresultAlthough thesplit, but a hurt her feeling ,the spare !relationresultDragonheart rejoicing, are again a ,five masked men one by one has disappeared .
relationresultAnddo not perceive the masked warrior ... ... , relationresultUnder the stagesuddenly someone scold ,followed by a sound and then a voice ,in the blink of an eye a condemning .
relationresultNeedless to say,those who agree with the person ,it is the heavy note in the masked warrior who .relationresultThe scene,who suffer who take advantage of ,the viewer are discerning ,who can tell, the masked warrior in Longfei hand again and again .
.. ... , relationresultIn thisplay, I am afraid lose that person is the masked warrior .relationresultBoss, i ... ... Boss. Yes, I am. Xiao Yu sobbed ,hands are trembling ,he felt the regret don .
relationresultKnow thenext boss ... ... , relationresultZhao Shanshi sat at thetable ,around two girls ,smile is .relationresultAndthey made Xiao Yu masked warrior heavy note are completely different from the field ,current situation, he is the winner .
relationresultAt this moment,masked warrior figure one after another appears in the arena .relationresultAtwo three ... ... Five ,six !relationresultSixthmasked warrior appeared !relationresultThe eighteenth chapter dark Aura , relationresultIsnow under pressure ,outsiders can not see ,only he knows ,the pressure of how much .
relationresultThe maskedwarrior than a serious, while the sixth appear masked fighter strength is more than the level two to level three for fighting the holy !relationresultBucketholy realm of natural loose coercion all of a sudden reversal of over, Longfei body pressure ,can not ?relationresultOf course,since both the grade difference is not big, coercion effect is not obvious ,most let Longfei appalled not this ,but the masked warrior terrorist recovery ability !relationresultMoreterrible, it can be used to describe the metamorphosis .
relationresultBya flying Longfei palm results in an instant of time ,the body will return to normal, like Longfei no hit her ... ... , relationresultOn the surface,seem to be Longfei advantage ,but in fact ,the masked warrior is the one point one reversal of the situation ,more terrible is ,this reversed Longfei never stop .
relationresultThe maskedwarrior attack is very strange ,the beginning is also thought that she had been using regular attacks ,but gradually he noticed ,it is not the ordinary means of attack .
relationresultAll along,her body is wrapped in a layer of black material ,the layer of material is like her skin like ,tightly wrapped around her true colors .relationresultEven ifshe does not hide his face, I am afraid no one would recognize who she was .
relationresultWhatyou attribute to do? ,beats by dre studio hd, relationresultDon... ... Dark attribute you ?relationresultLongfeisuddenly thought ,in books about dark attribute mump introduction see .relationresultFrom the to property derived from ,but attributes change ,but completely out of the to attribute range ,but very close to the wind attribute feature ,no trace of without a trace .
.. ... , relationresultDark attributevindictive ,with phagocytic uptake characteristics !relationresultSixmasked men ,will Longfei surrounded, wrapped around her body on the surface of the black material suddenly become black gas release ,in the twinkling of an eye, mutual connection ,he was trapped in the middle .
relationresultdark prison ! , relationresultSixmasked men together have a sound ,Longfei perception ,immediately blocked in the dark .relationresultNow thedragon ,was completely a globose black fog wrapped around ,his perception ,his actions ,completely blocked inside .
relationresultLongfeifly slap in shady ,but as no echo in general ,one point waves are not .relationresultThe attack completelyinvalid ... ... , relationresultAnd this!relationresultIs just the beginning!relationresultShadystarted toward the Longfei contraction ,the vast power ,more than a thousand catties million catties can describe ?relationresultLongfeifeel ,body forces are crazy to go outside ,rapidly by the layer of dark phagocytic ,absorption .
.. ... , relationresultIt wasdark attribute mump !relationresultShadycompletely wrap Longfei ,fully stuck in his body, like a shady wrap masked warrior body ,but is different, the masked Related articles:

