
beats by dre studio hd ion of the task of

Openthe doors , six small house ,into the inside .Stone decoration in the simple, but through the back window of strong sunlight stone is the whole house as very bright ,a dress is very neutral ,and head hair ,looks extremely rational young bow in wooden case speed his pen ,see people come in ,looked up ,smiling at a few people .
relationresultThe houseon this ,it looks like she is undoubtedly Liyin ge .relationresultEverybody is distant from the yellow wind city over the adventurers ?Good ,recorded transmission coordinates the letters I really accept it, thank you for giving free camp ,please accept these small newspaper , relationresultConfirmation of thiswoman is Ge Liyin ,beats by dre studio hd,four Xiao Hua with her dialogue ,chose to make the main task .
Glyn then smile polite to several people said .relationresultThe system prompts: you gain strength point of honor camp !relationresultSystem hint:you gained fame field !relationresultSystem hint:you get the gold stock !relationresultSystem hint:you to level up to district !relationresultThe system prompts:you get items Lament of shoes !relationresultSystem hint:you get temporary transfer license card !relationresultTemporarytransfer license card :can use four times a temporary license transfer card ,only has a transfer card ,can be used in city transmission !relationresultTotask .
At the same time four light flash ,Xiao Hua accidental discovery ,although the main task of gold and reputation reward not how, but reward experience is very rich ,his rank or grade more by irrigation .
Ascending to a level for irrigation ,took up a level much !relationresultBemoanthe shoes .Is a random reward a level of this occupation purple outfit ,Xiao Hua has God for shoes ,nature will not be put in the eye, with a glance at the property ,estimated to fetch a forty or fifty thousand ,is lost in the backpack .
Temporary transfer card ,as long as the completion of the task of the game player ,will get the .From the attribute ,transmission is not available ,for those who did not complete the main task, obtain transfer card game player small do not know how to get transmission card .
The experience of reward is really good ,do not know bright camp would be the same if ? Unique war looked at four of them upgrade ,can not help but bright camp quest reward is very yearning .
relationresultShould not be there, are the same task . Xiao Hua calmly replied .relationresultIn fact,think carefully, this task reward experience high is normal ,after all the tasks required to spend a lot of time on the way ,in addition to a large number of monster menace .
Also facing dark camp game player ,upon the death of ,or out of the double experience ,experience reward is not high is not normal .relationresultGe Liyin miss, Mr. Harris also gave us a special task ,he said .
This mission rewards ,is the same to you to receive . , relationresultGe Liyin put themainline mission rewards to the four Xiao Hua ,without a word to bow to do their own thing .Xiao Hua wondered ,only active voice said .
relationresultOh ,you mean the task ah small feel shy .There has been no adventurer mentioned ,I almost forgot ,really feel shy . Glyn said sorry to .relationresultTheyare currently the only one to make the elimination dark camp game player this task team? , relationresultXiao Huais a relatively late in their town ,hear the words of Ge Liyin ,is not a little curious .
relationresultOK.You wiped out many dark factions ?Although the sea ,did not mention ,but this task ,if done well ,there will be additional incentives oh ? Ge Liyin said with a smile ,interrupted Xiao Hua thoughts .
relationresulta ! Hear a bonus ,Xiao Hua immediately be answered without thinking .The way down .They killed a total of six concave ,a dark factions game player ,this figure ,if it hasn extra terms, Xiao Huagan is certain that this woman would be lying !relationresultHe is really ,really is amazing !You must be our free camp in the most serious adventurer !Well, this is what you deserve rewards and bonuses ,please take well, these things will make you stronger ! , relationresultGlyn puzzledto see some people the task information ,then was surprised and said ,very admire Xiao Hua presented the award to six !relationresultSystem hint:you get ah little honor camp !relationresultThe system prompts: you the knife coins !relationresultSystem hint:you to level up to a concave stage !relationresultThe system prompts:because of your outstanding performance ,won the task with the additional award, won the 2 weapons to strengthen the gem !relationresultWeapon strengtheninggems: strong arms Ya accounted for the following ,strengthen a weapon ,use of the gem ,to 100 percent success !relationresultAsystem prompt voice sounded again ,Xiao Hua rapid aiming at various award ,honor camp and gold awards are good, reward experience seems to be reached a ceiling ,asked the rest of a few people, found only awards a grade at the experience ,he is now grade up to column level too much point .
relationresultAs for thebonus is two weapons to strengthen the stone ,it is much to Xiao Hua surprise .Legend magic blade he had intentionally strengthened ,but it was not to find the right time to make ,have been shelved ,and got the two weapons to strengthen the gem ,smooth the weapon strengthens to ,would not be a problem ,as the strong 6 7 strong ,Xiao Hua hasn the courage ,do not take care Legend of the blade out ,he is not crazy to blame !relationresultThank Ge Liyin miss, then we say goodbye ! Just received two quests ,but rewarding experience has let him even a rise of two grades ,looks like the rewards for completion ,rises to the level is not a problem .
relationresultWell, please go . Ge Liyin nodded ,watched a few people out of the hut .relationresultSixout of the stone, then called the carriage ,to another coordinate mango pineapple place .
relationresultMangoroposition is quite far ,after almost ten minutes ,six came to another stone building with limestone before two two in the more remote position at .But with Ge Liyin that will be made from a low .
The mango pineapple seems to be a noble ,was living in a city with vestibular backyard tall aristocratic buildings .relationresultSixinto to ,through the garden of the vestibular ,but found the thick red wood carving door closed .
Could not find a way ,in desperation ,Xiao Hua took six to the backyard ,it was found that night .Named Mangoro blonde patrician less * woman is in the backyard garden of stone leisurely sipping tea ,behind her ,still standing in a black dress ,with a night .
Metal plate .relationresultYou are accepted Daisy lady commissioned the adventurers ?Welcome visitors ,not for a long time . Mangoro was an educated elite ,see Xiao Hua six ,is very kind and polite ,people have a very comfortable feeling .
relationresultMrs. Mangorowaved behind Butler withdrew, and then asked: few would snatch the monster control device ,or simply killed some bright camp ? , relationresultDear mango Rose Lady ,we find the monster control device ,is it right? Please look at this thing ? Xiao Hua from his backpack miniaturization monster control device ,was sent to mango pineapple lady .
relationresultNice.It is described as like as two peas with intelligence !Good !The client you are finished .The monster control device ,free camp will become more powerful !This is the promised reward ,please ! Mrs.
Mangoro took the monster control device ,carefully after the meeting, then excitedly .relationresultSystem hint:you completed the mission the monster control device !relationresultSystem Related articles:

