
cheap beats by dre day I can also join

, He also feels by himself, this kind of age gets married, may sacrifice a person, is him, still thousand leaves?And, their parents can't promise, either.He smiled to smile, "I am jocose.I also feel that all too soon get married, may to the very big injury of from cradle to the grave resulting in of two people.I say so that just hope that you can see open 1:00, no big deal, you still have me at least."
Thousand leaves ordered to nod and in earnest said:"Sun a, wait you to also finish university, we get married, good?"
"Good."Ascend original sun a smile to promise.He thinks that those after aring five years ……frankly speaking, five years after, he doesn't know what kind he will become as well.But at this moment, he is really to believe, five years after, he definitely also with thousand leaves together.
Afterwards, he sometimes also thinks, if they really got married and became a rightness of youth husband and wife at that time, will can't can have whole life one a life time?But, at that kind of 89-year-old scallion ages, and then have how many persons truely know conjugal meaning?Always think together, don't leave the other party to go.Can the marriage have no so in brief, isn't that each other doesn't separate and then can what happens without extra effortly care for each other always, then reach old age together ……even in connect each other not to separate this premise, at that kind of all things all probably of age in, all very difficult truely do to get.
At the beginning of in August, ascend original sun an also welcomed a senior high school for ages of the last national big match.Hold in Osaka this time.Indeed as expected, such as he anticipate, the sea pitch is still and early Chuan high a line, hold hands to participate in annual basketball grand occasion.
In the national big match in this year, noise of shouting very high sea pitch at his lead under, don't take many hope, pass to cut all the way will, again intruded into finals, end, vanquished a green farmland of traditional super strong brigade Gao, win success.And river the Chuan Ling also lead early although Chuan Gao is halted to half finals,also gets hold of in the third place,beats by dre cheap.After the match, he traversed to also all select the best 5 people with river Chuan;And himself, also again win an election for MVP.
National big match period, thousand leaves because be occupied in a part-time job, don't have a liking for original sun one game in Osaka.However, after he come back, a pair person still celebrated together some kind of.
Is very quick, thousand leaves are 19 years old summer this year again in a hurry past.
After new semester schools begins, the beginning of September of a day evening, while being like a store inside, getting off work quickly, sound thousand leaves walk to accept a silver before the set, say to the green wood:"The store is long, my attaining is about to resign this the end of the month."
"BE find out a better work?However, also to, the east is big of the student is in the sound be like in store part-time job, really is that a little bit big material is small to use."
"Not yes.Because fasten is just preparing to start a research work in a professor, from school begins to start to expect, is all fastenning of living for a year in enlist assistant.I think that since can learn thing, hence also register.Professor tells me and says since the beginning in next month today, I can also join a studying."
"It is all right.However, hereafter don't forget us."The green wood says.
Thousand leaves smiled to order to nod:"Certainly.I promise to will return to buy a CD here monthly."
"Very pitiful, just just and the tree became a friend."The Zuo wild beautiful generation very and sorrily says.
"Later we also still friend.Is beautiful generation, free of time, let's go shopping to go to the movie together.Is serious, I am greatly so long, and the first female friend of you are still Is."
"Good.I am unexpectedly your first female friend ……also to, may you are too strong, so, having no girl would like to approach you.The female kid's jealous of heart is generally all very strong.However, I can't envy you.Differing is so many, so far, have what envy so much."The Zuo wild beautiful generation says with smile.
At this time, walk to come in a 40 successful in career middle age women, the shape is pretty high, and keeps very good, at first sight, it make people think that she returns the young girl about 20 years old is just.Seeing from her facial features, young want to necessarily is a big beauty.She gives people's felling very Wen Ya, also have a kind of don't know how to say it is what of qualities, even if the vicissitudes of lives of years can not cover up.
She is all different with the middle age females that thousand leaves know:Since Be different from her mother outside just inside soft, also was different from her wife's younger sister consumedly, was different from an original sand more to knit to always seem to be civility polite.She is a very special middle age female in thousand leaf's eyeses, however, the very shallow experience don't knows how to say it her again she where specially.
That inside year woman walks to their three people front of, very the politely says to the green wood:"Excuse me, , whether there is the senior high school student that one makes Chu-tien fix doing a part-time job here?"
"That's right.Do you seek him to have what matter?"The green wood asks.
Thousand leaves are a bit understand at this time why they will feel that she have a little familiar looking, originally because Chu-tien fixs of cause.Appearance and Chu-tien of this inside year woman fix likeness for several cents, particularly is that kind of the qualities of the Xian show, can make circumferential persons all seem to be coarseness.She thinks that this woman wants to necessarily is the mother whom Chu-tien fixs.Indeed as expected, that inside year of woman low voice says:"I call ocean son in Chu-tien, is the mother whom Chu-tien fixs."
The Zuo is wild beautiful generation Zheng big eyes looking at her:", Is an aunt, cautiously see still be really like.Chu-tien is in the warehouse, I this calls him."She said to walked into.
"The store is long, always, small the fixing definitely added for you a lot of troublesome?"Ocean son in Chu-tien is tiny to say with smile.
"How can?He is a good kid, the diligence is willing to do, again neat dependable, this store inside only have he a men, energy's living is all done by him and helped me."The green wood says with smile.
"I am to come to take him to walk."Ocean son in Chu-tien says.
The green wood ate a surprised:"Why?Is well done good ……"
"He was already an examinee, so ……can not keep on continuing, ask a store to grow pardon."Ocean son tiny Ju in Chu-tien Gong.
At this time, Chu-tien fixs and Zuo the wild beautiful generation walked out together, he looking at his owns mother and not too and happily says:"Mama, how did you come?"
Ocean son in Chu-tien looks at his/her own son and leaves no room for doubt ground to say:"The mother decides to resign this work for you.―― Our house is still unlikely poor arrive don't would not° until you are here do a part-time job maintain next go to of situation."
"Do a part-time job here, also the nothing important isn't good."Chu-tien fixs to say.
"You deceive a mother to do this kind of work, thought through own future?You don't want as well, mother's so many in the last yearses so hard for the sake of what ……"ocean sub- eye socket in Chu-tien Be some to be getting reder.
Green wood and Zuo wild beautiful generation and thousand 3 leaves are some to surprisedly looking at Chu-tien****A pair, detect to arrive to seem among them unclearly what difficult speech of concealed.The Zuo was wild beautiful generation to cannot help but interrupting conversation at this time:"Senior high school student's doing a part-time job here should not calculate to throw a person very much?Aunt, you say so and is ……"
The ocean son favour in Chu-tien explained:"Execuse me, I ain't this meaning.All because is small to fix to fool me, say that he teaches the other people how to play the piano at a piano school, who know but here ……the hands in"she walks to come forward several steps and suddenly grasps the right hand that Chu-tien fixs, " are to use to play the piano, I am to hard can not make him ruin this hands, either again."
"Mama, I didn't fool you, I was to have at piano school to teach the other people how to play the piano, however, only have time in an and a half hours.I am just a senior high school student, so, the school make me teach a lot of students, hence, my decision beats one more work ……be like a store work to have in the sound what not good?I didn't say to you, just because of, don't think that you know that I beat two works just."Chu-tien fixs to say.
"Originally Chu-tien also plays the piano ……before, I had never listenned to him once speaking of."The green wood says.
Ocean son in Chu-tien loves to pitily looking at a son:"I died of that, was to be engaged in the musical while was living, so, I hoped and inheritted father music talent of small fixed an ability also ……"
Thousand leaves originally thought that Chu-tien's fixing is common of because of financial situation not like and part-time job of senior high school student, just also played the piano, have never thought, he was unexpectedly the person who is made a firm decision by the mother and develops to become pianist.
Chu-tien fixs the arm that the Ye lived a mother:"Mama don't say, let's go home."He the side head saw green wood one eye, " is sorry, the store is long, and I want to walk first today Related articles:

